August 19 - 23, 2025
195 days
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Be a volunteer

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Volunteers make the Benton Franklin Fair possible. Thousands of hours are logged by volunteers each year, from 4-H leaders to department superintendents and the parents who donate their time. And let's not forget the Fair Board, Rodeo Committee, and the Market Stock Committee who work year-round to make the event a success each year.

We can always use more help, so if you'd like to volunteer at the Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo, please complete the form below.

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Volunteer Application

If you've been here before and have an account
Login Here

Create an account to save your information for faster processing next time.

Personal Information

Are you over 21?
Note: Under 18 must turn in a signed parental consent form. Under 16, parent must be present with child in the course of volunteer services rendered. Please work with the Volunteer Team to create the best possible outcome. We appreciate families and children and can create unique volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Experience

Have you worked/volunteered for the Benton Franklin Fair before?

Volunteer Preferences

Please check the box below next to the area you would prefer to volunteer.
(Master Gardener, Art background, etc.)


Days Available
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Times Available
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I would like to volunteer...

Other Considerations

Online Release Form
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