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Are you interested in joining us at the Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo? Community members and businesses can engage with the event in many ways.


The Fair offers exciting opportunities to give back to our community through the volunteer program. If you’re interested in being a volunteer during fair season, please complete the Volunteer Application. If you are interested in a higher level of service by becoming a part of the nonprofit organization year-round, positions are available for a variety of Superintendent roles. Superintendents help manage the exhibits, departments and barns. To learn more, email Robyn.

Sponsors & Vendors

The Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo is made possible each year through the support of Sponsors. Our program develops partnerships that deliver. Contact Lori Lancaster for information on sponsorship opportunities. To participate as a vendor at the Fair marketing goods or services, please contact our Vendor Coordinator for information.

Exhibits & Events

For those interested in competing in contests, exhibiting or being a part of other events, you’ll find more information on the drop down menus here: Exhibitors.

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